Women Are Inferior to Men

by Adam Kotsko

Today in World Lit, the professor made the mistake of asking us to read the first seven chapters of Genesis. In theory, it was a brilliant idea, since world literature has obviously been deeply influenced by the stories in those chapters, and from a literary perspective I think they're at least as good as anything from the same period. Sadly, though, I go to an evangelical Christian college, and the loudest people in the in-class discussion were those who "knew," before reading the text, what it said. One person in particular enlightened us all with a long theology lesson that almost completely ignored the text at hand. The most interesting responses were from those who were willing to ask questions of the text, such as one girl who said essentially, "Sure, this is what I've believed all my life, but when I sit down and read it, it's completely ridiculous. Why believe this and not the myths of the Greeks?" Thankfully, the professor controlled discussion a little better than some of the other English professors I've had before, even breaking down and lecturing at a certain point.

This brings me to my point: Men are better than women. Anyone reading that might think of me as a misogynist, but in reality, my affection for women is unbounded. I love them just as they are, as inferior help-mates for men. I know that such opinions are unpopular, but I can't just go along with what's "popular" or what "my parents taught me" or what "my school taught me" or what "every piece of scientific evidence on the two sexes seems to show": I have to think outside of the modern "egalitarian", "scientific", "liberal", "rationalistic" orthodoxy. If this makes me "non-mainstream," then so be it. If it means that no one will ever listen to a word I say, then so be it. Because I'm standing up for the truth.

God told me this truth. He sat down with me last night, and he told me, "Adam, I know that everything you see, the academic excellence of women compared to men, the fact that women do easily twice as much work as any man, etc., etc., tells you that women are equal to or perhaps superior to men. But I'm asking you to stand up for the truth, for my truth." I was skeptical, of course, having questioned the very idea of divine revelation as a result of my being indoctrinated with the ideas of "science" and "reason", and I asked God to explain himself a little more clearly. "I want people to show their faith in me by believing ridiculous, easily contradicted things. In fact, I set up traps for people. All those dinosaur bones, the 'background radiation' that supports the Big Bang, the carbon-dating evidence, and all the rest were what I did around the tenth day. Before man sinned, it was obvious that the world was created in seven days, seven calendar days, but once Adam and Eve decided to seek after knowledge, I decided to trip them up on purpose. Everything that can be known by human reason is a lie, absolutely everything. You can only trust what I say to you in my own direct words."

And so that's my philosophy now. It kind of makes sense, doesn't it?